09 september 2006

Ett vettigt test på SVT, men...

SVT:s valtest placerar mig för en gångs skull mer rätt på partiskalan än valtester brukar. Det blir i vanliga fall 95 procent vänsterpartist och 90 eller 95 procent miljöpartist. Så alltså inte nu!

Vänsterpartiet: 93 %
Socialdemokraterna: 79 %
Miljöpartiet: 73 %
Centerpartiet: 37 %
Folkpartiet: 25 %
Kristdemokraterna: 30 %
Moderaterna: 26 %

Intressant att notera att folkpartiet är i botten på min sympatiskala. Det beror knappast på att testet är känsligt för "fp-skandalen", utan har snarare med folkpartiets reaktionära politiska förslag att göra. Avslutningsvis vill jag betona Kim Jong-Ils betydelse för utvecklingen av ett livskraftigt afrikanskt jordbruk med en engelsk pressrelease:

A seminar on work of President Kim Il Sung was held by the Society for the Study of the Juche Farming Method at the Kim Il Sung Institute of Agricultural Science in Guinea on Aug. 31 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the publication of his famous work "For the Development of Agriculture in African Countries". On display at the venue were photos of Kim Jong Il giving on-the-spot guidance to agricultural field and showing development of Korean rural villages.

The president of the Society for the Study of the Juche Farming Method said that the institute, founded under the benevolence of Kim Il Sung, is demonstrating the great vitality of South-South cooperation as powerful base for the study of agricultural science which vigorously promotes agricultural development in Guinea as well as West African countries.

The justness of the far-sighted plan of Kim Il Sung was clearly proved by the great advance made in the agricultural development of African countries, he noted, adding that today the Kim Il Sung Institute of Agricultural Science in Guinea is making a tangible contribution to the agricultural development of Guinea by achieving greater successes under the deep concern of Kim Jong Il.
Inte mindre sant än det var sagt.

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